Browsing by Author Arısoy Saraçlar, Ebru

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Automatic Speech RecognitionChen, Stanley; Sethy, Abhinav; Ramabhadran, Bhuvana; Arısoy, Ebru 
2018Clustering of News in PublicationsSülün, Erhan
2016Compositional Neural Network Language Models for Agglutinative LanguagesSaraçlar, Murat; Arısoy, Ebru 
2024Dealing With Data Scarcity in Spoken Question AnsweringArısoy, Ebru ; Özgür, Arzucan; Ünlü Menevşe, Merve; Manav, Yusufcan
2015A Decade of Discriminative Language Modeling for Automatic Speech RecognitionArısoy, Ebru ; Saraçlar, Murat; Dikici, Erinc
2017Developing an Automatic Transcription and Retrieval System for Spoken Lectures in TurkishArısoy, Ebru 
2020Domain Adaptation Approaches for Acoustic ModelingArısoy, Ebru ; Fakhan, Enver
2018E-Commerce Customer Shurn Prediction Based Machine Learning AlgortihmsEser, Ahmet Yetkin
2022A Framework for Automatic Generation of Spoken Question-Answering DataManav, Y.; Menevşe, M.Ü.; Özgür, A.; Arısoy, Ebru 
2020Highlighting of Lecture Video Closed CaptionsYıldırım, Göktuğ; Öztufan, Huseyin Efe; Arısoy, Ebru 
2020Improving the Usage of Subword-Based Units for Turkish Speech RecognitionÇetinkaya, Gözde; Saraçlar, Murat; Arısoy, Ebru 
2021Kişiselleştirilmiş ve Uyarlamalı Öğrenme için Sözlü Dersanlatımlarının İşlenmesiArısoy Saraçlar, Ebru 
2018Language Modeling for Turkish Text and Speech ProcessingArısoy, Ebru ; Saraçlar, Murat
2015Multi-Stream Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Language ModelSaraçlar, Murat; Arısoy, Ebru 
2018Predicting Yelp Stars Based on Business AttributesTek, Ahmet
2019Question Answering for Spoken Lecture ProcessingÜnlü, Merve; Saraçlar, Murat; Arısoy, Ebru 
2018Turkish Broadcast News Transcription RevisitedSaraçlar, Murat; Arısoy, Ebru 
2018Turkish Speech RecognitionArısoy, Ebru ; Saraçlar, Murat
2021Uncertainty-Aware Representations for Spoken Question AnsweringÜnlü, Merve; Arısoy, Ebru