Browsing by Author Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations for Minimization of the Accumulation of Limescale in Steam IronsKörük, Hasan ; Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce; Serenli, Muzaffer
2015Characterization of Viscoelastic Materials Using Free-Layered and Sandwiched Samples: Assessment and RecommendationsÖzer, Mehmet Sait; Körük, Hasan ; Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce
2019Detection of Air Leakage Into Vacuum Packages Using Acoustic Measurements and Estimation of Defect SizeKörük, Hasan ; Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce
2014A New Triangular Composite Shell Element With Damping CapabilityKörük, Hasan ; Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce
2019Testing Non-Magnetic Materials Using Oberst Beam Method Utilising Electromagnetic ExcitationÖzer, Mehmet Sait; Körük, Hasan ; Şanlıtürk, Kenan Yüce