Browsing by Project

Showing results 1 to 84 of 84
2219 Project
2219 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
2232 Project
Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials
Analysis of the Impact of Regional Growth and Industrial Sector on Unemployment in Turkey using Micro Data
Analyzing Online Reviews of Digital Learning Platforms
Artificial intelligence and data science
Automatic Interaction Detection System and Its Use in Active Learning Using AI-Based Audio and Visual Processing Techniques
Cluster Size for Collaborative Production Systems
Collaborative Learning Reading Application Development Project
Convolutive Tensor Decomposition for Consciousness-Mindfulness-Based Psycho-Dialogue Development
Cooperative E-learning Platform for Higher Education in Industrial Innovation (CEPHEI)
Crowd-Sourced Storage: Data Preprocessing in Collaborative Cellular Networks
Data Analysis and Interface Project
Design of Event-Based Image Processing Hardware
Developing a virtual machining system based on deep learning methods to improve the efficiency of milling processes
Development and Data Collection of a Mobile Health Monitoring System for Use in a Triage Assistant
Development of Educational Content for Early Childhood Education by Integrating Inverted Learning Model with Innovative Educational Technologies
Development of Internet of Things platform that can be developed on cloud-based, Docker architectures and can work on different databases
Development of Robotic Manipulator Control System by Obtaining Brain Signals using EEG/ERP System
Development of Smart Doctor Assistant with Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Breast Cancer
Digital Twin Project
Digital Twin Project
Effect of Belief in Free Will on Punishment Behavior
Effect of Real-Time Maturity Calculation on Total Construction Costs in the Production of Precast Tunnel Elements
Effect of Real-Time Maturity Calculation on Total Construction Costs in the Production of Precast Tunnel Elements
Electromyography driven prosthetic robotic hand design
Environmental Geopolitics in the Southern Mediterranean: The Potentials for Cooperation between Turkey, Egypt and Israel
EU-Turkey Relations in an Era of Differentiated Integration
Examination of Factors Affecting Export Performance through Qualitative Comparative Analysis Technique
Facial and Object Recognition with Local Transformations
Factors Influencing Obesity in Preschool Period: A Longitudinal Study
Flying Car Project
Flying Car Project: Development of a Small-Scale Flying Prototype
Forecasting budget planning with machine learning methods
FPGA Implementation for Online Signature Verification
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations
Graph-Based Solution for Sparse Lower Triangular Matrix
HERMES: Strengthening digital resource sharing during COVID and beyond
Infant Information Acquisition Behaviors and Their Relationship with Synchronic Interaction and Exploration Behaviors in Childhood
Interactive Mapping of Istanbul's Metabolism
Investigation of the Effect of Mathematics Anxiety on Middle School Students' Problem-Solving Skills using Behavioral and Neurobiological (Optical Brain Imaging) Methods
Low-Cost MEMS Seismometer Design for Earthquake Early Warning Systems
Market Sales Anomaly Detection Project
Mindfulness-Based Psycho-Dialogue Development
Mitigating childhood statelessness: Access to birth certificates for babies born to Syrian families in Turkey
Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems
Model for Developing and Supporting Teaching Skills of Mathematics Teacher Candidates in University Model in Schools
NLP Project
Onedesk Project
Parenting Practices and Formal Education in Families
Performance Characterization of Centrifugal Pump Cavitation
Prediction of Student Achievement and Program Outcomes using Machine Learning Methods
Predictive Analytics Call Center Software
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
R&D Consultancy Service
Relationship between Productivity and Real Exchange Rates
Research and Development of Photonic Devices for Mechanical Characterization
Safe Peer Relationships, Safe School: Educator Training Program for School Psychologists (SAFE*)
Sequential Learning for Personalized and Adaptive Learning
Teaching of nuclear deterrence vis-à-vis the new challenges to (Inter) National security: Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose?
TEYDEB 1512 Consultancy Service
TEYDEB 1512 Consultancy Service
The Invisible Supporters of Nizam-ı Cedid: Lives and Political/Social Networks of Women from the III. Selim Period
The Role of Neighborhood Perception on Cognitive and Psychological Health
TUBITAK 2219-International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program-Royal College of Art School of Architecture
Turkish Natural Language Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks
TÜBİTAK 2219-Post-Doctoral Research Support Abroad - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Autism Research, USA
TÜBİTAK 2219-Post-Doctoral Research Support Abroad - University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
TÜBİTAK Travel Support: Conference on Quantum Technologies in Europe
Youth and Democracy in Turkey