Browsing by Project
Showing results 1 to 84 of 84
Title |
2219 Project |
2219 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
2232 Project |
Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials |
Analysis of the Impact of Regional Growth and Industrial Sector on Unemployment in Turkey using Micro Data |
Analyzing Online Reviews of Digital Learning Platforms |
Artificial intelligence and data science |
Automatic Interaction Detection System and Its Use in Active Learning Using AI-Based Audio and Visual Processing Techniques |
Cluster Size for Collaborative Production Systems |
Collaborative Learning Reading Application Development Project |
Convolutive Tensor Decomposition for Consciousness-Mindfulness-Based Psycho-Dialogue Development |
Cooperative E-learning Platform for Higher Education in Industrial Innovation (CEPHEI) |
Crowd-Sourced Storage: Data Preprocessing in Collaborative Cellular Networks |
Data Analysis and Interface Project |
Design of Event-Based Image Processing Hardware |
Developing a virtual machining system based on deep learning methods to improve the efficiency of milling processes |
Development and Data Collection of a Mobile Health Monitoring System for Use in a Triage Assistant |
Development of Educational Content for Early Childhood Education by Integrating Inverted Learning Model with Innovative Educational Technologies |
Development of Internet of Things platform that can be developed on cloud-based, Docker architectures and can work on different databases |
Development of Robotic Manipulator Control System by Obtaining Brain Signals using EEG/ERP System |
Development of Smart Doctor Assistant with Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Breast Cancer |
Digital Twin Project |
Digital Twin Project |
Effect of Belief in Free Will on Punishment Behavior |
Effect of Real-Time Maturity Calculation on Total Construction Costs in the Production of Precast Tunnel Elements |
Effect of Real-Time Maturity Calculation on Total Construction Costs in the Production of Precast Tunnel Elements |
Electromyography driven prosthetic robotic hand design |
Environmental Geopolitics in the Southern Mediterranean: The Potentials for Cooperation between Turkey, Egypt and Israel |
EU-Turkey Relations in an Era of Differentiated Integration |
Examination of Factors Affecting Export Performance through Qualitative Comparative Analysis Technique |
Facial and Object Recognition with Local Transformations |
Factors Influencing Obesity in Preschool Period: A Longitudinal Study |
Flying Car Project |
Flying Car Project: Development of a Small-Scale Flying Prototype |
Forecasting budget planning with machine learning methods |
FPGA Implementation for Online Signature Verification |
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations |
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations |
Generation Z and the Workplace: An Empirical Study on Values, Goals, and Expectations |
Graph-Based Solution for Sparse Lower Triangular Matrix |
HERMES: Strengthening digital resource sharing during COVID and beyond |
Infant Information Acquisition Behaviors and Their Relationship with Synchronic Interaction and Exploration Behaviors in Childhood |
Interactive Mapping of Istanbul's Metabolism |
Investigation of the Effect of Mathematics Anxiety on Middle School Students' Problem-Solving Skills using Behavioral and Neurobiological (Optical Brain Imaging) Methods |
Low-Cost MEMS Seismometer Design for Earthquake Early Warning Systems |
Market Sales Anomaly Detection Project |
Mindfulness-Based Psycho-Dialogue Development |
Mitigating childhood statelessness: Access to birth certificates for babies born to Syrian families in Turkey |
Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems |
Model for Developing and Supporting Teaching Skills of Mathematics Teacher Candidates in University Model in Schools |
NLP Project |
Onedesk Project |
Parenting Practices and Formal Education in Families |
Performance Characterization of Centrifugal Pump Cavitation |
Prediction of Student Achievement and Program Outcomes using Machine Learning Methods |
Predictive Analytics Call Center Software |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
R&D Consultancy Service |
Relationship between Productivity and Real Exchange Rates |
Research and Development of Photonic Devices for Mechanical Characterization |
Safe Peer Relationships, Safe School: Educator Training Program for School Psychologists (SAFE*) |
Sequential Learning for Personalized and Adaptive Learning |
Teaching of nuclear deterrence vis-à-vis the new challenges to (Inter) National security: Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose? |
TEYDEB 1512 Consultancy Service |
TEYDEB 1512 Consultancy Service |
The Invisible Supporters of Nizam-ı Cedid: Lives and Political/Social Networks of Women from the III. Selim Period |
The Role of Neighborhood Perception on Cognitive and Psychological Health |
TUBITAK 2219-International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program-Royal College of Art School of Architecture |
Turkish Natural Language Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks |
TÜBİTAK 2219-Post-Doctoral Research Support Abroad - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Autism Research, USA |
TÜBİTAK 2219-Post-Doctoral Research Support Abroad - University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) |
TÜBİTAK Travel Support: Conference on Quantum Technologies in Europe |
Youth and Democracy in Turkey |