Browsing by Subject Autoclaved aerated concrete (aac)

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Evaluation of Diaphragm Conditions in Aac Floor Structureswith Rc Beamsİlki, Alper; Uğurlu, Koray; Demir, Cem; Comert, Mustafa; Halıcı, Ömer Faruk 
2023Numerical Seismic Performance Investigation of Aac Infill Walls With Flat-Truss Bed-Joint Reinforcementİlki, Alper; Halıcı, Ömer Faruk 
2023Out-Of Seismic Performance of Bed-Joint Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (aac) Infill Walls Damaged Under Cyclic In-Plane Displacement Reversalsİlki, Alper; Demir, Uğur; Halıcı, Ömer Faruk ; Zabbar, Yassin