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Title: Economic Outcomes in Patients With Chemotherapy-Naive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Treated With Enzalutamide or Abiraterone Acetate Plus Prednisone
Authors: Lechpammer, Stanislav
Ramaswamy, Krishnan
Wang, Li
Mardekian, Jack
George, Daniel J.
Sandin, Rickard
Schultz, Neil M.
Başer, Onur
Huang, Ahong
Keywords: Healthcare costs
Abiraterone acetate
Prostate cancer
Publisher: Springer
Source: Ramaswamy, K., Lechpammer, S., Mardekian, J., ... (February 28, 2020). Economic outcomes in patients with chemotherapy-naive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide or abiraterone acetate plus prednisone, Advances in Therapy. pp. 1-15. DOI:
Abstract: Introduction: Prostate cancer (PC) is the second leading cause of cancer death among US men and accounts for considerable healthcare expenditures. We evaluated economic outcomes in men with chemotherapy-naı¨ve metastatic castration-resistant PC (mCRPC) treated with enzalutamide or abiraterone acetate plus prednisone (abiraterone). Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis on 3174 men (18 years or older) utilizing the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) database from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018. Men with mCRPC were included if they had at least one pharmacy claim for enzalutamide or abiraterone (first claim date = index date) following surgical or medical castration, had no chemotherapy treatment within 12 months prior to the index date, and had continuous VHA enrollment for at least 12 months pre- and post-index date. Men were followed until death, disenrollment, or end of study and were 1:1 propensity score matched (PSM). All-cause and PC-related resource use and costs per patient per month (PPPM) in the 12 months post index were compared between matched cohorts. Results: We identified 1229 men with mCRPC prescribed enzalutamide and 1945 prescribed abiraterone with mean ages of 74 and 73 years, respectively. After PSM, each cohort had 1160 patients. The enzalutamide cohort had fewer all-cause (2.51 vs 2.86; p\0.0001) and PC-related outpatient visits (0.86 vs 1.03; p\0.0001), with corresponding lower all-cause ($2588 vs $3115; p\0.0001) and PC-related ($1356 vs $1775; p\0.0001) PPPM outpatient costs compared with the abiraterone cohort. Allcause total costs (medical and pharmacy) PPPM ($8085 vs $9092; p = 0.0002) and PC-related total costs PPPM ($6321 vs $7280; p\0.0001) were significantly lower in the enzalutamide cohort compared with the abiraterone cohort. Conclusions: Enzalutamide-treated men with chemotherapy-naı ¨ve mCRPC had significantly lower resource utilization and healthcare costs compared with abiraterone-treated men. Plain Language Summary: Plain language summary available for this article.
ISSN: 1865-8652
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