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Title: Metabolic Flows of Water in İstanbul in the Nineteenth Century: Tap Water, Waste, and Sanitation
Authors: Sert, Esra
Keywords: Nineteenth century
Metabolic flows of water
Tap water
Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc.
Source: Sert, E. (February 5, 2022). Metabolic Flows of Water in İstanbul in the Nineteenth Century: Tap Water, Waste, and Sanitation. Journal of Urban History. pp. 1-18. DOI :
Abstract: Considering the age of socio-ecological crises in which we live, the urgency of understanding the complicated relationship between society and nature is apparent. To achieve this, unfolding the urban metabolism of cities through metabolic flows from the perspective of urban political ecology will grow increasingly essential in the future. This paper aims to explore the concept of urban political ecology as a perspective for understanding emergence of a new urban metabolism in İstanbul in the nineteenth century through metabolic flows of water. The context of “metabolic” emphasizes labor as an agent for the very production of nature as urbanized nature through tap water, waste, and sanitation. It shows the transition and the conflict between the labor-intensive urban metabolism and capital-intensive urban metabolism of İstanbul, which started in the nineteenth century. The metabolic flows of water in terms of infrastructure were affected by the first impacts of foreign capital investments and capitalist relations.
ISSN: 0096-1442
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