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Title: Drivers and Barriers Influencing Consumers' Intention To Purchase Cosmetics With Refillable Packaging
Authors: Köse, Şirin Gizem
Arslan, Ayguel
Kazancoglu, Ipek
Keywords: Circular economy
Refillable packaging
Drivers and barriers
Reusable packaging
Cosmetics industry
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: In recent years, conscious consumers have become an important segment of the market. In the cosmetics industry, green products are also at the forefront. The refillable packaging is a significant step in this direction. The aim of this study is to identify the drivers and barriers that affect the intention to purchase cosmetics with refillable packaging. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 Generation Z women. Content analysis was used to identify themes, categories and subcategories in the transcripts. According to the results, the categories that drive consumers to purchase cosmetic products with refillable packaging include peer influence, marketing communication, social media, perceived benefits, brand reputation, environmental consciousness and knowledge, anticipated positive emotions, product availability and variety. The barriers identified include lack of awareness and knowledge, high prices, influencer effect, low perceived consumer effectiveness, consumers' concerns about greenwashing, product quality and status concerns, health concerns and operational barriers. These results provide a comprehensive understanding of consumers' intentions to purchase refillable packaging. This study explains the drivers and barriers that affect the intention to purchase cosmetics with refillable packaging. The results indicate that peer influence, marketing communication, social media, perceived benefits, brand reputation, environmental consciousness and knowledge, anticipated positive emotions, product availability and variety are the drivers. On the other hand, lack of awareness and knowledge, high prices, influencer effect, low perceived consumer effectiveness, consumers' concerns about greenwashing, product quality and status concerns, health concerns and operational barriers were found as barriers.image
ISSN: 1099-1522
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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