Browsing by Author Tan, H

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Assessing Health Care Resource Utilization and Costs Among Us Veterans Diagnosed With AsthmaOgbomo, A; Tan, H; Kariburyo, F; Xie, L; Başer, Onur 
2016Assessing the Economic Burden and Health Care Resource Utilization of Us Veterans With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseOgbomo, A; Tan, H; Kariburyo, F; Xie, L; Başer, Onur 
2016Evaluating the Economic Burden and Health Care Utilization of Anemia in the Us Medicare PopulationTan, H; Xie, L; Başer, Onur ; Yuce, H; Wang Y.
2015Evaluation of the Burden of Opioid Abuse Among Us Veteran PatientsBaşer, Onur ; Ogbomo, A; Tan, H; Du, J; Xie L.
2015Evaluation of the Burden of Parkinson’s Disease in Medicare and Linked Long Term Care PopulationsXie, L; Tan, H; Ogbomo, A; Wang, Y; Başer, Onur ; Yuce H.
2016Examination of the Economic Burden of Dyslipidemia in the Veterans Health Administration PopulationKeshishian, A; Tan, H; Xie, L; Başer, Onur 
2016Examine the Burden of Illness of Us Medicare Patients Diagnosed With CataractTan, H; Xie, L; Wang, Y; Yuce H; Başer, Onur 
2015Trends in Prevalence and Incidence Rates of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Medicare PopulationXie, L; Wang, Y; Tan, H; Ogbomo, A; Başer, Onur ; Yuce H.