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Title: Türkiye’deki Üniversite Kütüphanelerinde Engelli Kullanıcılara Yönelik Hizmetler: Bir Durum Değerlendirmesi
Other Titles: Services Towards Users with Disabilities at University Libraries in Turkey: A Situation Assessment
Authors: Biçen Aras, Bahar
Keywords: University libraries
Engelli kullanıcılar
Disabled users
Engelli kütüphaneleri
Üniversite kütüphaneleri
Disabled libraries
Kütüphanelerde engelli hizmetleri
Services for persons with disabilities at libraries
Publisher: Hiperyayın
Source: Biçen Aras, B. (2019). Türkiye’deki üniversite kütüphanelerinde engelli kullanıcılara yönelik hizmetler: bir durum değerlendirmesi. içinde P. Bezirci (Ed.), Bilgiye Erişimde Engellilere Yönelik Kütüphane Uygulamaları (ss. 105–233). İstanbul.
Abstract: Kişilerin bilgiye sınırsız erişebilmesi, eriştiği bilgiyi kullanabilmesi en doğal insani hakkıdır. Bilgiye en rahat ulaşılabilen yerler kütüphanelerdir. Halk, okul ve üniversite kütüphaneleri kişilerin sosyalleşeceği, entelektüel açıdan kendini geliştirebileceği ve araştırmalarını yapabileceği mekanlardır.
Being able to access the information unlimitedly and to use the information they accessed are the most incontestable human right for people. Libraries are the places where information is the most easily accessible. Public, school and university libraries are places where enables people to socialise, to develop themselves intellectually and to do their researches. The people providing services in these places provide library services regardless of users’ identites, ages, colors and genders and treat them equally. University libraries should diversify their services to enable the people who work under the umbrella of university libraries to socialise, to research and improve themselves better. In parallel with the actions enabling the disabled individuals amongst users to maintain their daily lives equally, the libraries should be in cooperation with the disabled individuals in terms of personnel and service and have to get used to the innovations. In this research, actions to be taken towards the disabled users at university libraries in our country will be explained by exemplifying services towards disabled users through web sites of the university libraries affiliated to The Council of Higher Education along with the data of 207-2018.
ISBN: 9786052813744
Appears in Collections:Kütüphane Direktörlüğü Koleksiyonu

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