İşletme Bölümü Koleksiyonu : [116] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 116
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Strategic Fixed-Asset Management (capital Budgeting) in Small and Medium Sized BusinessesKaradağ, Hande 
2015Strategic Capital Structure Management in Small and Medium Sized BusinessesKaradağ, Hande 
2015Strategic Working Capital Management in Small and Medium Sized BusinessesKaradağ, Hande 
2015Strategic Financial Planning and Forecasting in Small and Medium Sized BusinessesKaradağ, Hande 
2015A Strategic Management Approach To Financial Management Practices in Small and Medium Sized BusinessesKaradağ, Hande 
2015Strategic Financial Management for Small and Medium Sized Companies PrefaceKaradağ, Hande 
2015An Outlook of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (sme) SectorKaradağ, Hande 
2019Sustainability Disclosure in Higher Education: a Comparative Analysis of Reports and Websites of Public and Private Universities in TurkeySon Turan, Semen ; Lambrechts, Wim
2019The Impact of a Failed Coup D’état on Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Trust: the Case of the Plot in Turkey on July 15, 2016Niimi, Yoko; Horioka, Charles Yuji; Akkemik, K. Ali; Çiçek,Gerçek
2019Analysis of the Roles of the Irrigation Associations and Public-Private Model in Irrigation Development and Management in TurkeyKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2019Münih Güvenlik Konferansı’ndan İzlenimlerKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2019Big Five Personality Traits, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention: a Configurational ApproachTuncer, Büşra; Şahin Faruk; Karadağ, Hande 
2015Shared Leadership in Practice: When Does It Work Best?Pearce, Craig L.; Wassenaar, Christina L.
2018Exploring the Determinants of Becoming a Mentor in Turkish OrganizationsÖzgen, Muhsine Itır; Thatchenkery, Tojo; Rowell, James Willia
2015Serving One Another: Are Shared and Self-Leadership the Keys To Service Sustainability?Wassenaar, Christina L.; Pearce, Craig L.; Skaggs, Bruce C.; Manz, Charles C.
2016The Blooming Student Loan CrisisSon Turan, Semen 
2015Introduction To the Special Issue: the Leadership Imperative for Sustainability and Corporate Social ResponsibilityPearce, Craig L.; Stahl, Guenter K.
2015An Analysis of E-Business Research TopicsTuran, Semen Son 
2016The Bitcoin Trader as Unsophisticated InvestorSon Turan, Semen 
2015Designing a Sustainable Alumni Fundraising System for Turkish UniversitiesSon Turan, Semen 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 116