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Title: Influence of Local Soil Conditions on Damages in Kahramanmaras During the 2023 Turkey Earthquake
Authors: Milev, N.
Kiyota, T.
Tobita, T.
Briones, J.
Briones, O.
Cinicioglu, O.
Torisu, S.
Tönük, Gökçe
Keywords: 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake
Microseismic Characterization
Shear Wave Velocity
Site Response Analysis
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Abstract: The 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake affected an area of 99000 km2 on Turkish side where two million people were left without home. The PGA values which have been recorded by various stations show values as high as 1.2g as well as relatively spectacular maximum vertical component (PGV). The focus of the paper is to focus on a noticeable phenomenon in the city of Kahramanmaras where, on one hand, almost all buildings in the historical centre have either collapsed or been severely damaged by the two earthquakes (Pazarcik at 4:17 AM and Elbistan at 1:24 PM, respectively) of February 6th 2023, whereas, on the other hand, structures in the surrounding areas have significantly less damage. Moreover, it is evident from seismic stations’ recordings that impact (in terms of PGA, acceleration and velocity time histories) of first major shock (M7.7 Pazarcik) is higher than the one of the second major shock (M7.6 Elbistan) at similar magnitude and comparable distance to the epicenter. For the sake of investigating further the influence of local soil conditions as possible reason for the observed events shear wave velocity and soil deposit fundamental frequency have been measured in two spots – first, where multiple collapsed structures were detected and second, a neighbouring area with mostly standing buildings. Results indicate that the on-site measurement of only S-waves might lead to wrong assumptions in terms of microseismical zonation and further considerations shall be accounted. Furthermore, some comments and preliminary assumptions regarding seismic motion amplification effects have been presented in the study. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.
ISBN: 978-303174706-9
ISSN: 2367-3370
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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