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Title: Equity in Middle School Students’ Fractional Knowledge: Does School Type Matter in Turkey?
Authors: Aydın, Utkun
Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha
Taylan, Rukiye Didem
Birgili, Bengi
Özcan, Mustafa
Keywords: Middle School Students
Public Schools
Private Schools
University-School Partnership
School Type Differences
Publisher: OAPUB
Source: Aydin, U., Tunc-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., Birgili, B., & Ozcan, M. (Marc 9, 2017). Equity in middle school students’ fractional knowledge: Does school type matter in Turkey?. European Journal of Education Studies, 3(9), 541-557.
Abstract: This study examined school type differences in fifth-grade students’ fractional knowledge with data from a university-school partnership. Students (n = 203) from a public school and a private school willing to collaborate in University within School Project participated. Results revealed that there were significant school type differences in fractional knowledge favoring private school students. Since school type differences have important impacts on the quality and equity of mathematical outcomes, we need to strongly consider the implications of these school type-related differences and pay attention particularly to the structure of schooling in public schools and the student performance in private schools.
ISSN: 2501 - 1111
Appears in Collections:İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği Koleksiyonu

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