04.04. Department of Political Science and International Relations

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 201 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612019The European Union's Refugee Crisis and Rising Functionalism in Eu-Turkey RelationsSaatçioğlu, Beken 
622020The Eu’s Response To the Syrian Refugee Crisis: a Battleground Among Many EuropesSaatçioğlu, Beken 
632017The Eu’s “crises” and Implications for Differentiated Integration Between the Eu and TurkeySaatçioğlu, Beken 
642016Evolution of Transboundary Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris BasinKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
652017Evolution of Water Diplomacy Frameworks in the Euphrate-Tigris Basin: Challenges and ProspectsKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
662024The Evolution of Water Diplomacy Frameworks: The Euphrates-Tigris Basin as a Case StudyKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
672015Example of a Successful Evaluator in the European Union Seventh Framework ProgramKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
682016Exploring Environmental Justice in Small-Scale Hydroelectricity Power Plant Development in Rural TurkeyKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
692021Exploring Environmental Justice: Meaningful Participation and Turkey’s Small-Scale Hydroelectricity Power Plants PracticesKibaroğlu, Ayşegül ; Sayan, Caner
702016Facing Water Challenges in the Middle EastKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
712016The Flipped classroom approach at MEF UniversityKunnecke, Arndt 
722016The Flipped Classroom Teaching Model at Mef UniversityArndt Künnecke 
732018Food Banks and Food Insecurity: Cases of Brazil and TurkeyGörmüş, Evrim 
742017Food Banks and Food Insecurity: Cases of Brazil and Turkey (conferenceobject)Görmüş, Evrim 
752019The Future of Eu-Turkey Relations: a Dynamic Association Framework Amidst Conflictual CooperationSaatçioğlu, Beken ; Tekin, Funda; Ekim, Sinan; Tocci, Nathalie
762016Gerilen Türk-rus İlişkileri Bağlamında Nato’nun Rolü ve Etkisi Ne Olabilir?Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 
772016Global Context of Crises, and Local Patterns of Rivalry and CooperationKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
782015Good News From Vienna Is a Relief To AnkaraKibaroğlu, Mustafa ; Sazak, Selim C.
792015How Plutonium Undermines the HibakushaKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
802019"human Security" From Liberal Perspective: Is It a Comprehensive Model?Güleç, Cansu