Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Koleksiyonu : [88] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 88
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Family Type, Duration of Marriage, and Personality Traits in Relation To Marital SatisfactionBulgan, Gökçe ; Kemer, Gülşah; Çetinkaya Yıldız, Evrim
2017Elementary and Middle School Students’ Perceptions of TestsBulgan, Gökçe 
2017Kişilik ve Kişiliğin Temel KavramlarıToplu Demirtaş, Ezgi 
2019Introduction To Mbsr and MbctAtalay, Zümra 
2017Increasing Mental Health Professionals’ Self-Esteem Through Mindfulness and HappinessBulgan, Gökçe 
2017Mutluluk 2.0: İyi Yaşama Dair BilmediklerimizKoydemir, Selda; Bulgan, Gökçe 
2018Career Counseling for International Students: Using the Framework of Social Cognitive Career Theory - 2018 (chapter 14)Bulgan, Gökçe ; Çiftçi, Ayşe
2016Emotional Dependency and Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs as Predictors of Married Turkish Individuals’ Relationship SatisfactionÇetinkaya Yıldız, Evrim; Kemer, Gülşah; Bulgan, Gökçe 
2016Gender Differences, Infidelity, Dyadic Trust, and Jealousy Among Married Turkish IndividualsÇetinkaya Yıldız, Evrim; Kemer, Gülşah; Bulgan, Gökçe 
2017Psychological Adaptation, Marital Satisfaction, and Academic Self-Efficacy of International StudentsBulgan, Gökçe ; Çiftçi, Ayşe
2018Work-Family Balance and Psychosocial Adjustment of Married International StudentsBulgan, Gökçe ; Çiftçi, Ayşe
2017The Interplay of Work-Family Life and Psychosocial Adjustment for International Graduate StudentsBulgan, Gökçe ; Çiftçi, Ayşe
2018Marital Satisfaction of Turkish Individuals: the Role of Marriage Type, Duration of Marriage, and Personality TraitsBulgan, Gökçe ; Kemer, Gülşah; Çetinkaya Yıldız, Evrim
2018Children’s Perceptions of Tests: a Content AnalysisBulgan, Gökçe 
2017Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği’nin Türkçe UyarlamasıBulgan, Gökçe ; Aydın, Utkun 
2016Satisfaction With Life, Meaning in Life, Sad Childhood Experiences, and Psychological Symptoms Among Turkish StudentsCömet, Itır Tarı; Özgülük, S. Burcu; Atalay, Zümra 
2014The Importance of Rural, Township, and Urban Life in the Interaction Between Social and Emotional Learning and Social BehaviorsKıyar, Fatma; Totan, Tarık; Atalay, Zümra ; Deniz, M. Engin
2018Systematic Review of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening TestMinnich, Amelia; Bardhoshi, Gerta; Atalay, Zümra ; Erford, Bradley T.
2017Brief Psychometric Analysis of the Self-Evaluation Scale–parent Report (ses–p)Atalay, Zümra ; Bardhoshi, Gerta; Sherman, Martin F.; Erford, Bradley T.
2018Selecting Suicide Ideation Assessment Instruments: a Meta-Analytic ReviewDuncan, Kelly; Atalay, Zümra ; Erford, Bradley T.; Jackson, Jessica; Bardhoshi, Gerta
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 88