Browsing by Department 04.04. Department of Political Science and International Relations

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20172017’de nükleer’de bir birine zıt gelişmelerKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
20192019 yılında Türk dış politikasının manevra alanı genişleyebilirKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
201865 years of Turkey-NATO relationsKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2017AB'nin mülteci krizi: normlar-çıkarlar dikotomisi üzerinden AB'yi yeniden değerlendirmekSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2018AB, Türkiye açısından, ABD ve NATO’ya alternatif midir?Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2021ABD Dış politikasında 40 yıllık İran sorunu : Nereden Nereye?Kibaroglu, Mustafa 
2014ABD-Rusya geriliminin uluslararası güvenliğe etkileriKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2018ABD’nin nükleer silahları Trump‘ın elinde daha büyük tehlike arz ediyorKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2014ABD’nin Orta Doğu politikasıKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2016Academicians as teachers: nurturing teaching experienceTunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Taylan, Rukiye Didem ; Birgili, Bengi ; Aydın, Utkun; Özcan, Mustafa 
2018Akkuyu'nun 40 yıllık macerası sona eriyor (mu?)Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2020Alliance israelite universelle: osmanli yahudilerinin dönüşümünde bir itici güçGörmüş, Evrim 
2014An analysis of the causes of water crisis in the Euphrates-Tigris river basinKibaroğlu, Ayşegül ; Maden, Tuğba Evrim
2019Analysis of the roles of the irrigation associations and public-private-partnership model in irrigation development and management in TurkeyKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2014An analysis of Turkey’s water diplomacy and its evolving position vis-à-vis international water lawKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2022Askeri güç kullanımında kamu diplomasisinin yeri: Türkiye’nin barış pınarı harekatı üzerine bir değerlendirmeGüleç, Cansu 
2023Assessing Mathematical Higher-Order Thinking Skills: An Analysis of Turkish University Entrance ExaminationsAydın, Utkun; Birgili, Bengi 
2016Avrupa Birliği ve demokratikleşmeSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2015Avrupa Birliği’nin göç politikaları ve Türkiye’ye yansımalarıGüleç, Cansu 
2017Awareness of misconceptions in science and mathematics education: perceptions and experiences of pre-service teachersMesutoğlu, Canan; Birgili, Bengi 
2017Ban the bomb by ... banning the bomb? A Turkish responseKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2022Barriers in participative water Governance: A critical analysis of community development approachesShunglu, Raghav; Köpke, Sören; Kanoi, Lav; Nissanka, Thushantha S.; Withanachchi, Chandana Rohana; Gamage, Deepika U.; Kibaroǧlu, Ayşegül 
2018Bedouins and in-between Border Space in Northern SinaiGörmüş, Evrim 
2019Bedouins and in-between border space in the northern SinaiGörmüş, Evrim 
2016Beşinci sınıf öğrencilerinin kesir bilgisinin sayı doğrusu üzerinde gösterimi İle ilgili düşünüş biçimlerinin araştırılmasıTaylan, Rukiye Didem ; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Birgili, Bengi ; Aydın, Utkun; Özcan, Mustafa 
2021Better basin management with stakeholder participationSchmandt, Jurgen; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2020Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How to Make Sense of Turkey’s S-400 Choice?Kibaroglu, Mustafa 
2014Blue peace in the middle eastKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2015The blue peace: achieving peace and security through water cooperationVishwanath, Ambika; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül ; Ahmmad, Yadgar
2017BM’de reform mu, rönesans mı?Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2015Business as usual: the U.S.-Turkey security partnershipKibaroğlu, Mustafa ; Sazak, Selim C.
2021Business people in war times, the ‘fluid capital’ and the ‘shy diaspora’: The case of Syrians in TurkeyAkçalı, Emel; Görmüş, Evrim 
2019Business people in war times, the ‘shy capital’ and diaspora business: the case of Syrian refugees in TurkeyGörmüş, Evrim ; Akçalı, Emel 
2020Calling for a reset in Turkish-American relations in the post-COVID international orderKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2019Comparative reflection on best known instructional design models: notes from the fieldBirgili, Bengi 
2016Comparison between some pioneer instructional design modelsBirgili, Bengi 
2021Conclusion : What We Found and What We RecommendKibaroğlu, Ayşegül ; Schmandt, Jurgen; Ward, George H.
2018Conflict and cooperation dynamics in the Euphrates-Tigris river basinKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2015Creative and critical thinking skills in problem-based learning environmentsBirgili, Bengi 
2015Cultural diplomacy and Turkey in the age of globalizationGüleç, Cansu 
2015Dağlık Karabağ sorunu: Ermenistan için çözümsüz çatışma olmasının nedenleriGüleç, Cansu 
2019Dam development trajectory in the Euphrates-Tigris River basin: challenges and prospectsKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2016De-Europeanisation in Turkey: the case of the rule of lawSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2017Dealing with the changing profile of terrorismKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2015Democracy, identity, and foreign policy in Turkey: hegemony through transformationSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2014Descartesçılığa karşı Vico: yeni bilim ve tarihGüleç, Cansu 
2023Developing Standards for Adaptive Leaning Platform UsageGüler, Sabiha Elvan ; Topal, İlke ; Özdemir, Paker Doğu 
2018Diaspora business: the economic contribution of Syrian refugees to Turkey and their political role in (post-)conflict resolutionAkçalı, Emel ; Görmüş, Evrim 
2016Diaspora business: the economic contribution of Syrian refugees to Turkey and their political role in (post-)conflict resolution (conferenceObject )Görmüş, Evrim 
2023Differential effect of young adults and students metacognitive skills in mathematics problem solving processBirgili, Bengi ; Can, Rümeysa; Çakar, Tuna ; Akar, Hanife
2017A Dilemma in Turkish Examination System: Open-Ended or Multiple-Choice?Birgili, Bengi ; Kiraz, Ercan
2019The diplomacy of water in the Middle EastKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2017Disarmament while the chance remainsKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2018Dış politika analizinde karar verme süreci ve karar verme modelleriGüleç, Cansu 
2016The effect of university within school model-based instruction on 5th grade students’ achievement in fractionsAydın, Utkun; Birgili, Bengi ; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Taylan, Rukiye Didem ; Özcan, Mustafa 
2015Effects of the Syrian conflict in the Asi/Orontes basin in Turkey and the role of the proposed scientific networkKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2016Enabling the business of agriculture 2016 comparing regulatory good practicesKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2019End to nuke deal may start ‘era worse than Cold War: expertKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2017Engineered rivers in arid lands: searching for sustainability in theory and practiceKibaroğlu, Ayşegül ; Schmandt, Jurgen; Ward, George
2022Enhancing prospective mathematics teachers’ noticing skills through online laboratory school activitiesTaylan, Rukiye Didem ; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Birgili, Bengi ; Ölmez, İbrahim Burak 
2017Equity in middle school students’ fractional knowledge: does school type matter in Turkey?Aydın, Utkun; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Taylan, Rukiye Didem ; Birgili, Bengi ; Özcan, Mustafa 
2017Euphrates-Tigris basin: future (2040-2060)Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2019The Euphrates-Tigris Initiative for Cooperation (ETIC)Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2017Euphrates-Tigris river basin water management as conflict preventionKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2015The European Union as a distinctive actor in global climate change policyBağcı, Hüseyin; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2018European Union's ambition to create the European army and the parade of abbreviations: CFSP, ESDP, CSDP & PESCOKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2019The european union's refugee crisis and rising functionalism in EU-Turkey relationsSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2020The EU’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis: a battleground among many EuropesSaatçioğlu, Beken 
2017The EU’s “crises” and implications for differentiated integration between the EU and TurkeySaatçioğlu, Beken 
2021Evaluation of a strategic management program: context, input, process, product model as a prototype for business academiesBirgili, Bengi ; Kırkıç, Kamil Arif
2016Evolution of transboundary water politics in the Euphrates-Tigris basinKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2017Evolution of water diplomacy frameworks in the Euphrate-Tigris basin: challenges and prospectsKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2015Example of a successful evaluator in the european union seventh framework programKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2021An explanatory sequential mixed-method research on the full-scale implementation of flipped learning in the first years of the world's first fully flipped university: Departmental differencesBirgili, Bengi ; Demir, Ömer
2016Exploring environmental justice in small-scale hydroelectricity power plant development in rural TurkeyKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2021Exploring environmental justice: Meaningful participation and Turkey’s small-scale hydroelectricity power plants practicesSayan, Caner; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2016Facing water challenges in the Middle EastKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2016Flipped learning approach in a private university: a needs-assessment studyBirgili, Bengi ; İler, C; Engin-Demir, C
2018Food banks and food insecurity: cases of Brazil and TurkeyGörmüş, Evrim 
2017Food banks and food insecurity: cases of Brazil and Turkey (conferenceObject)Görmüş, Evrim 
2019The future of EU-Turkey relations: a dynamic association framework amidst conflictual cooperationSaatçioğlu, Beken ; Tekin, Funda; Ekim, Sinan; Tocci, Nathalie
2016Gerilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri bağlamında NATO’nun rolü ve etkisi ne olabilir?Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2016Global context of crises, and local patterns of rivalry and cooperationKibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2015Good news from Vienna is a relief to AnkaraKibaroğlu, Mustafa ; Sazak, Selim C.
2015How plutonium undermines the HibakushaKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2019"Human security" from liberal perspective: is it a comprehensive model?Güleç, Cansu 
2022Illiberal challenges to the European Union's legitimacy from within and without: the rule of law and refugee crisesColella, Diğdem Soyaltın; Saatcioğlu, Beken ; Gülmez, Didem Buhari
2018Impacts of a university-school partnership on middle school students' fractional knowledge: a quasiexperimental studyAydın, Utkun; Tunç-Pekka, Zelha ; Taylan, Rukiye Didem ; Birgili, Bengi ; Özcan, Mustafa 
2016Improving fifth grade students’ fractional knowledge through university-school partnershipAydın, Utkun; Birgili, Bengi ; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Taylan, Rukiye Didem ; Özcan, Mustafa 
2023In the pursuit of a course design: a tpack-based geometry for preservice mathematics teachersAras, İpek Sararlar; Birgili, Bengi 
2016In what ways does an instructional design contribute to creative and critical thinking skills in problem-based learning environments?Birgili, Bengi 
2018INF krizinin arka planı ve küresel güvenliğe etkileriKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2016Influence of a number line based model of instruction on 5th grade students’ use of mathematical language during clinical interviewsTaylan, Rukiye Didem ; Tunç-Pekkan, Zelha; Birgili, Bengi ; Aydın, Utkun; Özcan, Mustafa 
2016Investigating fifth-grade students’ conceptions of fractions on the number lineTaylan, Rukiye Didem ; Tunc-Pekkan, Zelha; Aydın, Utkun; Birgili, Bengi ; Özcan, Mustafa 
2019Investigating the relationship between volitional strategies and academic achievement in a flipped learning environmentBirgili, Bengi ; Seggie, Fatma Nevra; Kiziltepe, Zeynep
2017İklim güvenliği kavramının Türkiye iklim politikasındaki yeriGönenç, Defne; Kibaroğlu, Ayşegül 
2017İran dış politikasında ABD’nin yeri ve Trump dönemiKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2014İran ile nükleer müzakereler: aklın yolunda yürümekKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2015İran nükleer müzakereleri ve TürkiyeKibaroğlu, Mustafa 
2015İran’ın nükleer programının bölgesel ve küresel etkileri: sorunlar & fırsatlarKibaroğlu, Mustafa